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Southeast Inspirational Choir’s history is authentic, poignant, funny, and tender.

It’s taken from our archives, memorabilia, albums, experiences and lessons.

Here’s what happened…

The Southeast Inspirational Youth Choir Album of Houson Texas Directedby Brenda Water, Shirly Joiner at the Piano and Carl Preacher at the organ

In 1970, three gifted, passionate, skilled gospel visionaries, Brenda Waters, Shirley Joiner and Carl Preacher combined their directing, playing, singing and writing gifts to present a combined youth musical to benefit our churches, Mt. Olive and Outreach Missionary Baptist Churches. In the beginning, Ms. Brenda Waters directed the choir, Carl played the organ and Ms. Shirley played the piano; and we just did what they told us to do. Only this time, we had THREE melodious personalities to groom us instead of one. After months and months of rigorous rehearsals and prayer, we presented our first DEDICATION & PRAISE concert at Houston’s South Park Baptist Church on Valentine’s Day in 1971.


Desire and God-given talent prompted our leaders to turn the cause into a permanent choir. And since we lived and "churched" in southeast Houston, our leaders named us, Southeast Inspirational Youth Choir aka Southeast. We were blessed with the support of our parents and church leaders who thought it amazing three intelligent musicians would CHOOSE to mold 45 adolescents. We learned to sing soprano, alto and tenor, obey; and exalt God in song and life. We sang at a lot of churches in town that year, and then at the James Cleveland Gospel Music Workshop of America in Dallas where we were awarded 1971-72 Most Promising Choir.

Being a Southeast member required us to sing in our respective church choirs; attend rehearsals and engagements; participate in devotion and represent God. Like our parents, Carl preached, Ms. Shirley fussed and Ms. Brenda even spanked us a few times. But they also taught, prayed, cooked, drove and sewed for us.

So we embraced the specialness of being a DIFFERENT kind of youth and savored our together times. Back then we didn’t realize the life-changing impact the inspirational songs written especially for us would have on us. It took us some time to appreciate our directors’ anointed, innovative writing and arrangement of vocals, lyrics and instruments. We remember learning the words of new songs by turning to the scriptures in our bibles and singing them over and over.

The Southeast Inspirational Youth Choir

Throughout the 70s, Southeast was our second family and the special BOND motivated us to not just sing, but worship and record the intricate melodies of songs like Some Sweet Day led by Brenda Waters and He Included Me led by Francis Lee and One More Chance led by Jesse Jones and I Never Knew Joy led by Anna Boney and This Day Belongs to Jesus led by Darrel Pitts and Guide Me Over Thy Great Jehovah led by Evelyn Booker and That Will Be Glory for Me led by Shirley Joiner and Only Jesus led by Carl Preacher. Parents, friends and church members supported us by driving, feeding, ushering and chaperoning us in and out of town. In, 1975, Ms. Brenda was led to pursue a solo ministry, passing the torch on to Ms. Shirley and Carl to become Co-Directors. In 1978, with most of us now young adults, we officially became Southeast Inspirational Choir and welcomed young gospel singers from other Houston churches into the family. Our unique sound and model became institutionalized which ushered in recordings on Savoy, Jewel, Sweet Rain and Soul Bird record labels.

The Southast Inspirational Youth Choir of Houson, Texas Album Some Sweet Day Francis Lee Monica Boney and Ana Boney and Darrell Pitts
The Southast Inspirational Youth Choir of Houson, Texas Album I Hear The Voice ith Francis Lee Monica Boney and Ana Boney and Darrell Pitts
The Southast Inspirational Youth Choir of Houson, Texas Album I Hear The Voice ith Francis Lee Monica Boney and Ana Boney and Darrell Pitts

From the 80s through the 90s, being in Southeast still meant, bible study, fund raising, musicals, concerts and tours, recordings, workshops, gospel TV and theater appearances, nursing home and prison ministry. It also meant fasting, praying and developing an intimate relationship with Jesus. As adults, we juggled singing engagements with family, work, school, church obligations, and some left to fulfill other aspirations. We and our dedicated musicians traveled by auto, bus and plane to accompany nationally recognized performers, Morgan Freeman and Carl Lumbly in the Gospel at Colonus, Dolly Parton and Willie Nelson at NASA and Ray Charles in the recording studio. We sang in numerous choir stands and venues in the US, England, Canada, Bahamas, Barbados and Japan.


We also featured many gospel artists at our 2nd Sunday February anniversaries. People all over the country were INSPIRED by The Greatest Commandment narrated by Ms. Lonnie, By Faith narrated by Jesse, My Liberty and You Made the Difference led by Yolanda, Breathe on Me led by Anna, He Sends the Spirit and Inspire Me led by Risé, I’ll Go and Shall Not Slumber Nor Sleep led by LaShondra, Just Like Jesus and Full Joy led by Angela, Satisfied with Jesus led by Cynthia, Believe It Receive It led by Yolandra, Humble Yourself led by Gregory, Bless That Wonderful Name and Carry You Through led by David, More Like Jesus and Able led by Kathy, Coming Home Again led by Francis Lee, The World is Watching You led by Byron, These Signs led by Charles, I’m Going Through led by Pearl, What the Lord Has Done for Me led by Daron, Glorify Thy Name written by James, I Can Do All Things led by Gene, Fill Me With Your Spirit led by Equinthalyn, Our Charge, Lord Here We Are Again, Victory In Jesus sung by the Choir, hymns arranged by Bill King and many more.

The Southast Inspirational Youth Choir of Houson, Texas Album Look how far the lord has brougt us Francis Lee Monica Boney and Ana Boney and Darrell Pitts
The Southast Inspirational Youth Choir of Houson, Texas Album Look how far the lord has brougt us Francis Lee Monica Boney and Ana Boney and Darrell Pitts

Singing was special, but we also shared many FIRSTS and fond memories like: a Gospel Music Workshop chartered flight to New York, compiling souvenir books; a subway ride in Brooklyn; New Orleans’ Cajun food; numerous Six Flags roller coasters; a passport; the changing of Buckingham Palace guards; the majesty of Niagara Falls; Floridian cruise seasickness; literally chilling in Indiana; and singing in Osaka, Japan’s renowned Blue Note Club. Some of the gospel artists who were guests at our annual Praise and Rededication Celebrations and concerts were: Sara Jordan Powell, the Gospel Inspirations, Lois Dejean, The Youth Inspirational Choir, Dwight Franklin, Prof. Theodore King, Quincy Fielding Jr, Twinkie Clark, Douglas Miller, Richard Smallwood Singers, Felix Williams, Raphael Green and Mystery Love, Mildred McCann, Vanessa Bell-Armstrong, Danniebelle Hall, Bruce Parham, The Winans, Derrick Brinkley, The Pace Sisters, Yvette Flunder, Donnie McClurkin, Lisa Page Brooks, Richard Odom, Donald Lawrence and even our own Yolanda Adams, Anna Boney-Brown and Risé Joiner Peters.


In 1998, after hosting several youth workshops, Ms. Shirley, Carl and other choir members formed Southeast Ministries, Inc. (SEICM Inc.) and presented the PHD (Preparing Holy Disciples) Youth and Young Adult Convention. For 10 years, in keeping with our origins of youth ministry, we hosted PHD that impacted hundreds of young people in grades pre-k through college. Each summer, for three days, teachers, preachers, musicians and youth leaders packed Houston hotels and churches to provide gospel fine arts workshops to develop the mind, body and spirit of spirited young disciples. We sowed seeds into these youth by awarding financial scholarships to participating college freshmen. Many of them are music and arts ministry leaders and professionals today. (PH-DEEE)


Southeast Inspirational Choir Inspire Me Album with Yolanda Adams, Rise Joiner, Lashondra Lankford, Yolandra Simmons Jones, Angela Bennett, David Bennett and more

More than 25 years ago, a worthy vessel of God, Carol Allen Simmons, our minister, mother, cosmetologist, mentor, chaperone and friend, prophesied Southeast would birth great ministers, preachers and pastors, teachers, missionaries and gospel recording artists. It has and continues to do so in ways too numerous to tell. To say thank you to the many ministers, musicians, hostesses, ushers, producers, caterers and drivers who labored faithfully with us is inadequate, but we do. Some of our choir family gained their wings; we miss them and think fondly of them. Likewise, in the order of their BC&S moniker, our Southeast founders, went to be with the Lord; Ms. Brenda (03/17/05), Carl (04/15/05) and Ms. Shirley (03/16/09). They instilled in us a spirit of excellence and left a LEGACY of entrenched inspiration and unforgettable scriptures, lyrics and principles to sustain and affirm us in our journey. In 2007, to honor Brenda Waters, Carl Preacher and Shirley Joiner, we presented a Southeast 38th reunion concert with Donald Lawrence as our special guest artist and here he is again today. We sang and celebrated the vision, the victory and each other.

Our Southeast training and time is priceless and unforgettable; it transcends us and blesses generationally. We remember and cleave to His promises that “when our trials here are over, we’ll be together in glorious concert again. For we know with the faith that rings down in our souls, our redeemer lives and our living was not; is not in vain. Our prophetic charge to keep and God to glorify is not happenstance, it was ordained.” Because of the Holy Spirit and many of you, we embraced our purpose and fulfilled written and seen visions. Because of His faithfulness and grace, we are forever Southeast Inspirational Choir. Praise the Lord everybody!

Southeast inspirational choir album Ill go with Lashondra Lankford, Rise Joiner, Yoanda Adams and more
Historian-Author, Karen Ri’chard



Yolanda Adams

Sammie Ammons

Isaac Boney, IV.

Isaac Boney V.

Pam Bailey

Regina Bailey

Tracy Breedlove

Marshall Britt

Becky Brown

Deidra Brown

Gary Brown

Faye Burnett

Sherri Burnett

Cynthia Chambers

Lisa Clemmons

Kevin Cooper

Gregory Curtis

Joya Davis

Tracy Dennis

Denise Dorsey

Julian Ellis

Shante’ Faucher

Evangeline Gabriel

Eric Greer

Anessa Hall

Bryon Haynes

Brenda Henderson

Lawrence Hicks

Pamela Hicks

Jacqueline Hightower

Maurice Hightower

Jennifer Holiday

Joann Jackson

Petrina Jackson

Belinda Jarvis

Cassandra Jarvis


Lola Jefferson

Vanessa Jefferson

Charles Johnson

James Johnson

Patricia Johnson

Kenneth Junious     

Gwen Kegler

Caroline Lacy   

Leroy Lacy, Jr.

George Lewis

Aaron Love

Thurston Love

Willie Love, Jr.

Tizille Madison

Debra Mason

Richard Martin

Patricia Mason

Gene Moore, Jr

Lanita Pearl Minor

Candi McElwee

Lisa Morrow

Cynthia Norton

Enola Owens

John Paramore

Robert Phillips

Robert Polk

Virgil Ratliff

Denise Ray

Darlene Rigsby

Nikki Ross

Garland Short

Paula Smith

Yvette Smith

Charlotte Steward

Deborah Stringfellow


Elton Volter, Jr.

Joy Volter

Patricia Volter

Charles Walker

Chris Walker

Quien Walker

Frelena Wallace

Leonis Warfield

Eric Warren

Darlene Weathers

Kabrina White

Jacqueline Williams

Marla Williams

Orvis Williams

Vanessa Williams

Wendell Woods

Evangeline Young



Cassandra Anderson         Angela Bennett - L    

Vickie Chatman                     

Yolanda Chatman                  

Lisa Green Richardson

Pamela Harrison - C              

Valenti Kyle                            

Kathy D. Lacy *L                   

Kim Warren                            

Marion Spann                        

Deleatrice Washington          

Gwendolyn White *C             

Charlotte Williams - C            

Jeanette Wilson - C                Joyce Woods **C                 







Anna Boney Brown *C, L      

Monica Boney - C                            

Vivian Cartwright - C                        

Tabatha Chatman                          

Sandra Cooper **                          

Risé Joiner-Peters **L                      

Keschia Jones                                 

Travett Johnson - C                          

Faye Kendrick - C                            

LaShondra Lankford - L                   

Paula Manning* - C                          

Sonja Minnifield                                

Rachel O’Neil-Taper                         

Vanessa Reece *                            

Karen Ri’chard**  

Felicia Washington *







Darrell Barclay

David Bennett*    

Darrel Boson **

Rennette Brown

Craig Burks

Mark Feggins

Daron Gilmore - L

Terry Gray *

Commodore Harris

Charles Hollis*L

Addie Jackson-Sublet

Byron Johnson - L

Jesse Jones **C, L

Yolandra Jones                  

Gregory Lovelady – L





Core Team Leaders**

Core Team Members*

Charter Member - C

Lead Singers - L

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